Nutrition In Schools For Children

Intake of highly nutritious foods that support the growth and development. Nutrition in schools will help meet the body's need for energy is much larger than the previous age, because the school children doing more physical activity like playing, exercising or helping their parents. Entering the age of 10-12 years, children increasingly need energy and nutrients is greater than children aged below. Feeding for boys and girls began to be distinguished.

Nutrition becomes an important issue for school children, because nutrition can educate the child. Children who are malnourished easy drowsiness and lack of passion that can disturb the learning process in schools and declining academic achievement, thinking power of children will also be less, because brain growth is not optimal. Parents need to give attention to the school-age children, because in general they are busy with various activities outside the home so that tends to forget the meal including breakfast habits. Breakfast that will adequately meet energy needs while studying in school, and prevent the decrease in blood sugar levels that result in terganggunnya concentrations in children receive lessons in school.

The pattern of food intake is not balanced at the school-age children in the long term will lead to a lack of nutrients in the body. School-age children are in need of a balanced food intake to support growth. School children need to get a balanced nutritional intake, so it will grow as the development of age and there is compatibility between the weight / age, height / age and weight / height. The pattern of food intake and food arrangements for school-age children is very important, especially nutrition in schools sting helps increase the child's needs.

A balanced diet is a good school-age children is low in fat, high in calcium and adequate but not excessive calories. Terms feeding for children include:
1. adequate levels of energy and all nutrients according to age.
2. arrangement of dishes adapted to the pattern of a balanced diet.
3. form and amount of food adjusted to receive power, tolerance and physiologic state of the child.
4. attention to personal hygiene / child and the environment.
Nutrition In Schools For Children Nutrition In Schools For Children Reviewed by sendika on July 26, 2011 Rating: 5
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