The mouth is already having its own cleansing system that is saliva. However, with today's modern food, natural cleaners are no longer able to function. We can use a toothbrush as a tool for cleaning teeth. Choose a toothbrush bristles are not too hard because it can hurt the gums. In addition, the amount of brush should also be adjusted to the size of our oral cavity.
In addition to routine maintenance, we should immediately visit a dentist if the state of experiencing one or more of the following conditions:
When you have bad breath odor are not without an obvious cause for a week, even after brushing your teeth, tongue, gums and cleaning with dental floss
When you have bad breath with a toothache; may have untreated cavities or abscesses.
Brush your teeth with a circular motion, because in addition to cleaning, this movement will not damage the gums. When brushing teeth, also brush the top of the tongue with a toothbrush. Make sure it reaches the rear.
When gums bleed, because it can be a sign of gum disease.
When there is bad breath accompanied by fever or cough and mucus, it can be a symptom of lung abscess. In this case, your dentist will refer you to a specialist.
In addition, we can use dental floss to remove food debris in the crevices of the teeth at least twice a day, especially after meals. When we are in a situation very rushed and not enough time to do the above, bad breath can be removed temporarily by the use mouthwash, eat oranges, apples, or celery.
Clean tartar to the dentist every six months and regularly checked once a year for the control teeth (dental check-ups). In addition, smoking cessation, reducing consumption of sugar, coffee and alcohol, spicy food and food smells, as well as drinking lots of water will help take care of your teeth.
In addition to routine maintenance, we should immediately visit a dentist if the state of experiencing one or more of the following conditions:
When you have bad breath odor are not without an obvious cause for a week, even after brushing your teeth, tongue, gums and cleaning with dental floss
When you have bad breath with a toothache; may have untreated cavities or abscesses.
Brush your teeth with a circular motion, because in addition to cleaning, this movement will not damage the gums. When brushing teeth, also brush the top of the tongue with a toothbrush. Make sure it reaches the rear.
When gums bleed, because it can be a sign of gum disease.
When there is bad breath accompanied by fever or cough and mucus, it can be a symptom of lung abscess. In this case, your dentist will refer you to a specialist.
In addition, we can use dental floss to remove food debris in the crevices of the teeth at least twice a day, especially after meals. When we are in a situation very rushed and not enough time to do the above, bad breath can be removed temporarily by the use mouthwash, eat oranges, apples, or celery.
Clean tartar to the dentist every six months and regularly checked once a year for the control teeth (dental check-ups). In addition, smoking cessation, reducing consumption of sugar, coffee and alcohol, spicy food and food smells, as well as drinking lots of water will help take care of your teeth.
Oral health
Reviewed by sendika
November 05, 2011