Optimal Health and Fitness

Optimal health is a vital part of your life. You can just have a lot of money, but if you have poor health, the quality of your life will be much reduced. Previously you need to pay attention to statistics from the world health body below:

70% of premature deaths today are caused by heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes and Cancer

Above 50% cause of death is poor diet

70% of doctor visits are caused by poor diet. The main complaint is the lethargy or fatigue.

Why does this happen?

 Let's see what our bodies need. Our bodies need some balanced nutrition, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, essential minerals, and water.

But what happens with our current diet, we consume too much fat, sugar, salt, animal protein, processed foods / fast foods, foods high in cholesterol, carcinogens (substances that are formed from the cooking process) that can cause cancer, and lack of essential nutrients that our bodies need.

Why does this happen? The answer lies in the quality of the food we eat. Our current food can no longer meet the needs of our bodies the nutrients it needs. Starting from the planting process that uses pesticides, too much fertilizer, and as examples of current injected chickens hormones to accelerate growth, and fruit picked before ripe which ultimately makes the content of the nutrients found in fruits are not perfect.

This is worsened by the environmental conditions in large cities are highly polluted and most people have problems with their digestion that cause they can not absorb nutrients that exist on their food properly.

So what are the consequences?

It is most easily seen is the occurrence of weight gain and obesity. More than 60% of people in America are overweight, and this began to happen in Indonesia because we adopt a diet which is too fast.

Furthermore, people will experience many health problems that will ultimately reduce the quality of their lives.
Optimal Health and Fitness Optimal Health and Fitness Reviewed by sendika on November 16, 2011 Rating: 5
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